Drug Addiction Rehab in Fort Lee NJ

(877) 804-1531

Drug rehab is a course of treatment for eliminating the dependency on psychoactive substances, including alcohol, prescription and street drugs. Drug rehab is necessary to help people who can't stop abusing substances on their own. Most people who try to stop on their own don't succeed.

Drug Treatment Centers Fort Lee is available to help patients who are seeking drug rehabilitation. Call (877) 804-1531 now.

Different Types of Addiction

Individuals who compulsively use substances or perform activities and can't control what they are using or doing are said to have an addiction. Drug addiction is also defined as being dominated by a substance that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, such as drugs or alcohol, to such a degree that stopping causes withdrawal symptoms.

Physical addiction happens when continued use of a drug changes the way the brain feels pleasure. The addicting drug causes physical changes to nerve cells in the brain. These nerve cells use chemicals (neurotransmitters) to communicate. These changes in the brain can remain long after using the drug, causing cravings.

Drug addiction typically reaches a stage where it is harmful and drug rehab is needed to help a person stop the abuse. drug Addictions can be to physical substances, like drugs or alcohol, but can extend to other things, such as food or an activity, like exercise or shopping.

There are primary addictions (substance addictions to drugs and alcohol) and there are secondary drug addictions (gambling, shopping, eating disorders, sex). Secondary addictions are common in substance abusers as brain chemistry changes from the primary drug addiction, making them more vulnerable to secondary addictions.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Symptoms

  • Having to use regularly on a daily basis
  • Having to use multiple times on a daily basis
  • Having intense cravings for the substance
  • Needing increasing quantities of the substance to get the same effects
  • Time is spent obtaining and gathering enough of the substance
  • Spending money on substances
  • Missing obligations, social or recreational activities, due to substance use
  • Stealing and deception to obtain substances
  • Driving or other risky behaviors under the influence
  • Spending more time and energy on getting and using substances
  • Attempts to stop using substances aren't successful
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop


An intervention is held when a meeting of loved ones concerned about the abuser's well-being offer assistance in the form of drug rehab treatment. They outline the connection between the substance abuse and the negative consequences being experienced by the abuser. The goal is to have the abuser make the connection and agree to go for help in the form of substance abuse treatment.

  • Formal Interventions takes place under the guidance of a professional interventionist.
  • Informal Interventions are when loved ones meet and the abuser is invited to join and if present, influence him/her to enter treatment.
  • Direct Confrontation involves a group of loved ones explaining to the abuser, using specific examples, of how drug abuse has impacted everyone negatively. If the user can see how substance abuse is hurting themselves and those they care about, they will choose treatment.
  • Indirect Confrontation is where concerned people of the abuser learn coping skills from a professional interventionist. The substance abuser is invited, but meetings go on with or without him/her. CRAFT intervention is an example of this.
  • Forcible Intervention forcibly places the abuser in a confining and restricting environment.
  • Motivational Interviewing is an ongoing conversation with the addict to motivate them to commit to change and get help.
  • Systemic intervention examines existing relationships in the addict's life. In many cases, loved ones unintentionally allow and encourage substance abuse behavior. Systemic intervention works to change these circumstances and behaviors.
  • ARISE uses compassion and encouragement to foster a sense of continued support while the intervention is ongoing. This will then motivate the addicted person into treatment.

If you are seeking drug rehab treatment for an addiction, we can help you find treatment centers, contact Drug Treatment Centers Fort Lee at (877) 804-1531.

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