Dual Diagnosis in Fort Lee NJ

(877) 804-1531

Dual diagnosis is the condition of mental health disorders and a substance abuse problem occurring at the same time in an individual. Mental health disorders with alcohol and drug addictions are common occurrences with people who abuse substances. This results in a person being diagnosed with a dual diagnosis.

For dual diagnosis treatment help and information, contact Drug Treatment Centers Fort Lee at (877) 804-1531.

Mental Health Disorders and Substance Abuse

A dual diagnosis of alcohol and mood disorders together is commonly seen, as people with these disorders may use alcohol to alleviate the symptoms of mood disorders. Conversely, people who are alcoholics may develop mood disorders, as alcohol can cause changes in brain chemistry.

Depressed people may use alcohol to alleviate depressive symptoms, so alcohol and depression together is common. On the other hand, a person who suffers from alcoholism may develop depression, as alcohol is a depressive, creating chemical changes in the brain.

Another example is eating disorders and addiction. Addiction is a habit of consuming substances leading to pleasure center stimulation of the brain. Food may be consumed purely for pleasure. As the body craves more pleasure center stimulation, an addiction to food and illicit substances may develop.

Dual diagnosis of OCD and addiction to substances is also common. OCD involves compulsive and obsessive behaviors. OCD sufferers could take substances to decrease the compulsions and obsessions, creating a cycle of addiction.

People with post-traumatic stress disorder experience nightmares and flashbacks from trauma. Reliving these experiences causes anxiety and agitation. PTSD sufferers may seek relief in alcohol and drugs to stop reliving these experiences and block negative thoughts. As the pattern repeats, a cycle of addiction can form.

Anxiety sufferers may turn to alcohol to relieve their anxiety. As alcohol seems to be effective, the person may continue to drink on a regular basis and develop alcohol abuse disorder. This coping mechanism can lead to addiction.

It's difficult when determining the order in which the substance abuse and mental health disorders were created, but all symptoms must be treated for successful treatment results.

Dual Diagnosis Statistics

According to nami.org, a third of people with mental illness and half of people living with severe mental illnesses also have substance abuse problems. Approximately a third of all alcohol abusers and more than half of all drug abusers have been diagnosed with a coexisting mental illness.

It is estimated, according to Clinical Psychiatry News website, that about 50% of all patients with schizophrenia have a co-existing substance abuse disorder. Substance abuse is the leading cause of those with schizophrenia not taking their medication properly.

Substance abuse is also associated with intensified schizophrenia symptoms, an increased risk of relapse, heightened aggressiveness and more hospital stays that last longer.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

There are several dual diagnosis treatments available for dual diagnosis: psychopharmacology, psychotherapy and behavioral therapy.

  • Psychopharmacology lists all the diagnoses and treats them individually with prescribed medications. Each disorder is treated with prescription medications. Ongoing assessments are made regarding the effectiveness of treatment of each disorder.
  • Psychotherapy is therapy conducted with counselors and therapists to resolve mental or emotional problems by talking. Root causes and trauma are uncovered and discussed in these sessions.
  • Behavioral therapy focuses on the behaviors of the person which are analyzed to focus on the negative consequences and harmful effects. Positive behaviors are developed to avoid these negative consequences using improved judgements. Positive and negative reinforcements are used to encourage better decisions.

Finding Dual Diagnosis Treatment for You or a Loved One

If you are seeking dual diagnosis treatment for a mental health disorder and an addiction, we can help. Find dual diagnosis treatment options today when you call Drug Treatment Centers Fort Lee at (877) 804-1531.


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