Moral Reconation Therapy in Fort Lee NJ

Moral reconation therapy (MRT) is a cognitive behavioral therapy for reinforcement of abstinence and as a relapse prevention strategy. Moral reconation therapy is conducted in weekly or twice weekly group counseling sessions for a period of three to six months. Positive moral reasoning is taught during these meetings.

Using cognitive-behavioral therapy as a foundation, moral reconation therapy also combines other forms of psychological therapy too. The goals are to foster positive growth social, moral and behavioral levels with skills training taught using specific exercises through workbook assignments.

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Basic Treatment Issues Relating to Substance Abusers:

  • Confronting current beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors lead to destructive behaviors
  • Assessing current relationships and their effects
  • Reinforcing positive behavior and habits for continued constructive behavior
  • Forming a positive identity
  • Enhancing self-concept
  • Decreasing pleasure seeking and developing a frustration tolerance
  • Developing higher moral reasoning to bring about changes in how decisions are made

Moral Reconation Therapy Statistics

G.L. Little and K.D. Robinson studied the effectiveness of MRT in substance abusers. Alcohol abusers and drug users with low moral reasoning skills participated. The group of 102 individuals took the full MRT course using workbooks, attending meetings and completing homework assignments.

Levels of moral reasoning did improve in the participants. The MRT components also encouraged the participants to complete the MRT course as well. Attendance of other therapies was also improved. MRT worked better in smaller groups and better in the short term.

How Does Moral Reconation Therapy Work?

Poor moral reasoning and the resulting poor decisions were found in most substance abusers. People making judgments about right and wrong from low levels of moral reasoning don't react to punishment or counseling to make improvements. Confrontations with the consequences of their behavior and the effects on those around them works better than punishment and counseling.

MRT looks at beliefs and how those beliefs are tied to low levels of reasoning. Steps are taken for people to change their beliefs leading to positive judgments based on what is right and wrong. Substance abusers who have problems of low levels of moral reasoning are directed to change beliefs. Moral doesn't have a spiritual component, but is theoretical. Moral reasoning is how a person decides what actions to take when faced with making moral judgements.

Drug treatment and rehab programs use MRT as a therapeutic base for changing how addicts reason when faced with decisions. Emphasis is on thinking about whether to use or not. When an addict recognizes using is not the best decision because of the negative consequences it will bring to themselves and those around them, they should choose not to use. Addict should use these skills to stay sober or to seek help right away if relapse occurs.

Getting treatment can be a source of shame and frustration for many addicts. However, addiction flourishes when addicted patients don't seek the help that they need as soon as they need it. By entering a quality treatment center program that uses MRT, addicts can go on to build the self-esteem and decision making foundation that will prevent them from abusing drugs and alcohol.

Getting Help for You or a Loved One

You or a loved one can get help with addiction by being given the recovery tools to lead an addiction-free life. Contact Drug Treatment Centers Fort Lee as soon as possible to get help finding treatment centers. Call (877) 804-1531 for assistance now.


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